Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Go Elimination

Elimination one: Several days ago I slaughtered my wardrobe. After finally openning my boxes of winter clothes, I decided I needed to eliminate some of the items I have kept since high school. Some may call this rat packing, others may call it thrifty. The truth of the matter: I don't like throwing out that which is still decent ( I still own jeans from 20 lbs ago...) even if it is old, out of fashion, or doesn't fit extremely well. Another truth: I hate spending money. Sometimes I will splurge on things (usually at the grocery store--some vegetables or meat or something such like) but for the most part, I talk myself out of major expenditures (that is if you ignore the jeans I bought last week on the Victoria's Secret site...

Problem however, my dad recently saw a picture of me and apparently thought the dress I was wearing made me look dowdy. This is unnacceptable. Hence: wardrobe massacre. It's going to be a great day at Plato's and the D.I. for several lucky people.

Elimination two: Kristin and I will be Sidney Bristow by Christmas. No garbage eating, and work-outs every day. I feel good about this. It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle adjustment. Hence it will work.

Elimination three: An FHE activity the other day made us speak for 30 seconds without saying "like" "um" "uh" "so" or long pauses. In other words, we practiced speaking like adults. Heretofor :) My roommates and I have decided to make this our model for every day usage. Let me tell you, it is like so difficult to uhhh do this.

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